Your Number 1 Place for Stainless Steel Corrugated Hose Assemblies
Complete Cryogenic and CO2 Trailer Testing and repair to Canada Standards B620
Helium Leak Detection and Vacuum Jacket Repair
ABSA Certified Piping, Vessel Modification and Repair of Stainless Steel, Aluminum, 9% Nickel, and Low Temperature Carbon Steel
Tube Trailer Repair and Re-Certification
In-House Custom Fabricated Stainless Steel Corrugated Metal Hose Assemblies
Yearly Product hose Testing
LNG-Liquid Natural Gas Piping and Vessel Repair
LNG-Vacuum Insulated, jacketed Piping Repair and Service
High pressure burner repair and hydro testing
Hot dip tank capable of cleaning the largest of nitrogen burners
High pressure autoclave bending, coning, threading
Design,fabricate and certify high pressure nitrogen pumper builds and re-builds, both high rate and flameless
Design,fabricate and certify high pressure composite tube trailers
LNG Fittings complete with CRN numbers
Propane and Anhydrous Trailer Inspection / Repair